Event: Headshot Photography here July 29!


Professional Headshot for under $50.00!?  You must be kidding.  Everyone knows they that good ones are *much* more expensive.  Not really.

Everyone should have a recent professional headshot on their website or social media page. A Pop-Up session is a great way to own a quality headshot at the fraction of the price. For only $45, you can have your own mini-session with professional photographer, Kris Hundt.

She will be here at Makers Connect for half the day on Saturday, July 29, from 12:00 – 4:00 pm.  All you need to do is walk in with your favorite solid color top on and your dazzling smile.  She’ll make everything fun and easy.

The fee includes a photo session, with one look, of approximately 15 minutes and the final selection of one high resolution digital downloadable photo and the availablity to purchase additional downloads, prints and much more. The fee is payable cash, check or credit card; or prepay here and then forget about it till end of July.


Social Media for Artists…what does it Mean?

Crafting is usually fun, relaxing, and stimulating for many people, including me.  So the classes we like to offer here are pretty fun but also mentally on the light side – not meant to make you have to scratch  your head too hard.  However we do have one class that I’ve been sitting in on that is quite challenging, called Social Media for Small Business.  I don’t think any of us were prepared for the bredth of knowledge Tina Winslow has brought to our humble table, but all of us class participants agree that we are pretty luck to have her.

Tina selfie

In discussing our individual online presences, we’re all realizing we’ve been like babes in the woods;  she has us thinking about so many things we’d either undervalued or just plain overlooked.   For some of us, the online ‘places’ we are spending the majority of our time is quite simply upside down.  Instead of ‘facebooking it up’ all the time, for instance, I should be spending more time on my blog.  The blog ‘feeds’ the rest of the system.  Having said that, it’s important to be present in as many online locales as is humanely possible; with a large chunk of attention being paid first to the blog and then to Google +.  (when you take the class, she’ll explain why… I will probably botch any explanation I attempt).

Tonight our goal is to take a closer look at our target market.  This is a much more slippery task than first anticipated; in fact I am constantly surprised by who is following my posts or who makes the great leap across the six lane highway to come and check out our store based often on little more than curiousity about our pretty, colorful signage!  So as I write this, I am avoiding doing my homework for tonight.  I’m a baaaaaad student.  Wait, not that bad… at least I’m contributing to the blog!

I hope if you’ve read this far you are thinking “wow, I’m an artist with a great product but really wish I knew more about how to reach my target audience.  I wish I could talk to someone who really knows what to do and lead me in a solid direction.”   Good news;  Tina has agreed to run this course again in the near future.  So if you send a quick message to Chris at makersconnect@gmail.com, I would be glad to add you to a list and let you know as soon as these dates are figured out.

Honestly, the way I see it….If she can help me… she can help anyone!   And by the way, this is me.  I have to wear blouses featuring Korean Good Luck Kittens just to get through the day….

Chris in Judy shirt in store

This is me after trying to understand the inner workings of the internet without help from Tina:

ozzy the man

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