Makers Connect… what does it mean?


For some reason, the rain is making me question my existence…. and why my patient husband, feisty mother, and loyal / hilarious helpmate have joined hands in supporting…. this retail endeavor we call Makers Connect.  The other day, I overheard someone say, “Your store has a stupid name.”  Well, perhaps.  It’s not the funniest or catchiest… most of those had already been taken. Originally I loved the name Local Talent.  Three years ago, the dba was already in use and I couldn’t have it… I checked a few weeks ago and it was available again.  But now we’re here and we’re not going to buy another lighted sign (do you know how much those cost??  Shocking.)

lighed sign

For the sake of clarity and to clear away any cobwebs in case there are others who also think our name is ‘dumb’, I offer this explanation:

Makers Connect – to their tribe.

Makers Connect – to their market

Makers Connect – to their talent

Makers Connect – to meeting other artists

Makers Connect – to learning new talents

Makers Connect – to one another, to neighborhood… to new possibilities.

If you still think it’ dumb, then write to me and we can have a dialogue.  Also, your mother dresses you funny.*





*Just kidding.  I know you dressed yourself.

**Really kidding… your mother is absolutely lovely.